Now, I can understand the need to sort of go wide here in order to cough up five new people each and every day, even in a city like SF, where online dating is not exactly a novelty. But still, there seems to be more than a bit of reaching happening. To wit, the criteria on which today's five potential matches were presented to me:
- You both fancy felines.
- Like you, he's not a smoker.
- He's also interested in bowling.
- Like you, he's not a smoker.
- He's also interested in bowling.
- He's athletic and toned.
- Like you, he's not a smoker.
- He's also interested in bowling.
- He's athletic and toned.
- You both fancy felines.
- Like you, he's not a smoker.
- He has a graduate degree.
- Like you, he's not a smoker.
- Pretty impressive - he has a Ph.D.
- Both of you are into swimming.
As it is, though, the Daily 5's success rate is currently on par with allowing my 6-month-old niece to select for me. (Actually, she might even do a better job; I should enlist her help.) Perhaps Match can follow the lead of Netflix and offer $1 million to whoever can improve their algorithm by the greatest number of percentage points. I'm happy to be your equivalent of "Napoleon Dynamite" and "I Heart Huckabees," guys; I might well be that baffling in my tastes.
Oh, and in closing, a note to any potential suitors: don't let Match's hackneyed attempt at alliteration convince you to add the phrase "I fancy felines" to your profile. Very much not OK.